System requirements #####################################
Server side: Linux + Apache + MySQL + Php
PhP have to allow global variables. (Edit php.ini and set
register_globals = On
Then restart apache)
Rekommendation for security reason: latest release of php
Client side: Browser version 4 and up (Netscape, InternetExplorer)
and Mozilla 1 and up
#Download latest learnloop 1 to the server, from sourceforge
#Unpack the package with tar (if version 1_1_b2):
tar xvzf learnloop-1_1_b2.tar.gz
#Change the settings in the file include/ to match your server, database and so on (if you do not have the database ready, look futher down)
#Change the owner on the objects in learnloop to suitable group:user (have to be an existing group and user, do not use root as group or user) nobody is an example:
chown -R nobody:nobody learnloop
#To be able to use some of the uploading features in learnloop you need
to make sure that the following libraries are created has write access.
( ls -l should give you: drwxr-xr-x for all this libraries, otherwise use e.g.
chmod 755 homepages/themes)
#If you are uppgrading from erlier relases look further down under upgrades.
#To create the learnloop database follow this steps:
#If you newly installed MySQL, you have to change the root password, for
security reasons:
mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
#Start mysql-client and create the database (and then add privileges to a MySQL user with a suitable password)
(If you
already have a empty database (eg at a webhotel) you can use that database,
use the name of it insted of learnloop.) If you have another account
for mysql, uses that.
mysql -u root -p mysql
>GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON learnloop TO lluser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'llpassword';
#This gives you a separate mysql-user for learnloop, eg. lluser, with the password llpassword. Change it to what you prefere.
#exit mysql-client ( \q ) and import the tables by running:
mysql -u lluser -p learnloop < sql/learnloop.sql
Uppgrading is only supported from version 1.0. The database is not changed.
script will only add the standard themes that were missing in earlier release.
To upgrade learnloop from earlier release run the sql script called update-1_1.sql
mysql -u lluser -p learnloop < sql/update-1_1.sql
If you havn't installed the source over the old sources you may need to move
of the data libraries.
Use a browser to open index.html in the url where you have extracted the
source. To login
the first time you need to use the user Admin with no password.
have fun....
If you languges is missing you could qite easily translate learnloop.
In the catalog locale copy catalog en to your own language code.
Edit all the textstrings in the file to your local language.
then you have to change the languge include/ to the country
you have selected.
Pleace send a copy of the language file to, you could
indicate if you are interested in translating new releses to your language.